Boone County Right to Life
2025 Pro-Life Essay Contest-Scholarship Award
Essay theme: Write a letter to Robert, in your friend group. He and his girlfriend are facing an unexpected pregnancy. What does he need to know about his importance and presence in this process? What can you share with him on prenatal development and what pro-life resources are available in the community to help them.
Essay must be 300-500 words in length.
Essay must be double spaced with the pages numbered. Use 12 pt. Font.
Essay will be judged by originality, content, and accuracy of facts presented
Required to use a minimum of two separate sources and to list all sources on an added reference page.
Cover sheet must include: Contestant’s full name, full mailing address, phone number, date of birth, parent/guardian name, High School attending (if applicable), and word count.
Submission Guidelines:
Who is eligible?
Boone County residents who are Seniors in High School or the academic equivalent.
Submission Dates: March 3 through April 7, 2025.
Submit essay electronically to:
By submitting an entry, the contestant and parent or guardian confirm that the essay is original, but not copyrighted, and agree to allow Boone County Right to Life to reprint any winning essays.
Winner and parents will be invited to attend the Annual BCRTL Banquet on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, and may read essay, if desired.
Suggested Resources:
Students for Life of America
National Right to Life
Created Equal
Life Issues
Live Action
Indiana Right to Life
American Life League
Americans United for Life
Announcement of Essay Winners
Essay winners will receive notice no later than April 18, 2025.
Winning essays may be printed in local newspapers and the Quarterly Boone County Right to Life newsletter and Facebook page.
Top participants will be given free tickets to the Annual Boone County Right to Life Dinner on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
School Administration of winning essay students will be notified of the Scholarships awarded.

First Place: $500.00 Second Place: $300.00 Third Place: $200.00
Essay Guidelines
Protecting the sanctity of human life through advocacy efforts.
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